Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Why Google is so successful, and why you should love it

   The mobile world is so expansive and so competitive.  Cell phones compete against each other, Virtual Reality headsets, routers, mobile streaming and TV devices compete against each other in their own respective realms, and we see most companies sticking to their favorite realms, where they feel they will prosper most.  But Google is different; they don't want to just prosper within their already established realms, but they want to become professionals in every realm.  This is also good to drive competition within certain areas forcing better technology and better prices.  The first example that comes to mind is the Amazon Echo.  Amazon was the first to provide a product like this, and until today, they haven't had any competition, but Google intelligently jumped into the scene less than two years later to create a better assistant for a lower price.  This isn't only good for Google, but it will force Amazon to find ways to lower their cost to consumers, and to be more innovative which benefits consumers and Amazon.  Virtual Reality has been a big thing lately but really the only contenders are the HTC Vive and the Oculus Rift (and arguably the Samsung VR), but all of these options are $200 or more.  Google jumps in within a year to provide a cheaper alternative with comparable quality and range of games.  This, again, will force those in the forefront to lower their cost, provide more content, and a better experience to consumers.
   Apple, Roku, and Amazon Fire TV provided a cable set-top box like experience for mobile content and streaming through their various devices.  These were very simple and the capabilities limited.  Google shortly thereafter makes Android TV which had much more capabilities, integration with mobile devices, and for a lower cost.  Roku and Amazon Fire TV (not Apple) then decided to make comparable devices, and for a lower cost.
   The number of categories Google has dipped its toe into is too numerous for me to discuss here but be aware that it is well over 100.  As you can see Google is doing everything to have a part in every possible way it can, and because of its number of resources it has a shot in succeeding in almost everything it puts its effort into.  You care because you like having better products for a better price.  Whether you prefer Google products, HTC or Samsung products, Google is working on helping you save money and have better products.  When was the last time you saw Apple produce competition to a VR headset, Amazon Echo, Toyota, NASA, or anything that they haven't already been working on for 10 or more years?  Google isn't afraid to get its feet wet, and though not everything that has come from Google has been a marvelous success, the more they try, the more they succeed.  As a friend once told me, it's easier to make $1 million by finding a million ways to make $1 instead of 1 way to make $1 million.

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