Thursday, October 6, 2016

Why Ted Cruz is still making all the right moves

   If you haven't heard yet, Ted Cruz has been making calls for Donald Trump in Texas to "make sure Texas stays red."  Ever since Cruz announced this he has been getting all sorts of criticism about how he lost an even bigger battle than just the nomination, that he lost his dignity to Trump and is now his poor, embarrassed servant.  They use the poorly timed photo above as a sign he is "sad with his choice" and is regretting this decision.  The truth is that Cruz, at the beginning of the Republican primaries, pledged his support behind whomever would get the Republican nomination.  Trump harassed and insulted Cruz time and time again, including insults to his wife and father.  Just prior to the Presidential debate, Ted Cruz kept with his word and endorsed Donald Trump, but didn't leave it at that. He forgave Donald Trump, proving he can be the bigger man, and is even helping him win the election. In an interview with Hugh Hewitt, Cruz said:
I am happy to help. I have conveyed that to them. I will do whatever I can to defeat Hillary Clinton. My heavy focus this cycle, in addition to defeating Hillary, is on preserving a Republican majority in the Senate, and I am working hard to help my colleagues get reelected. I’m working hard to raise money for them, to help turn out conservatives in their state. And then I’m also working hard in the state of Texas to turn out conservatives, because if conservatives stay home this cycle, we could see really bad results on down ticket ballots, on judicial races, on state rep races. I don’t want to see that happen. So I’m going to do everything I can to urge conservatives to come out and vote, even if they may not be thrilled at the candidates on the ballot. I’m urging them to come out and vote anyway, because the consequences of staying home, I think, are really quite significant.

   Try to put yourself in his shoes. How easy do you think it is to forgive someone who publicly attacked your family, insulted you on national television, and accused your father of murder? Your reasons for holding a grudge are publicly documented, and thousands if not millions of people will side with you in your animosity.  Liberal society will mock you if you ditch your bitterness and will claim you are bowing down to the king's control.  Cruz looked past this, and decided to do what was right; what he and his father, and I, consider to be the Christlike thing to do.  As the son of a Christian preacher, and a devout Christian himself, he is proving to the American people that he is who he says he is, and he will always keep his word.  He is proving that he is willing to do the hard things in life if he knows it is something that must be done.

   Ted Cruz had every reason to endorse Evan McMullin, an independent candidate for president of the Mormon faith.  Cruz's arguably best friends, Glenn Beck and Mike Lee are both Mormons and he seems to get along well with those of that faith.  However, although McMullin is a conservative, his declared political party is independant, NOT Republican, which put Cruz in a difficult position.  Does he ditch his party and choose another conservative candidate that he probably is more similar to? Or does he keep his word and support the Republican party, the party he has been a part of his whole life?  I can't say I would have made the same decision as he did, he made the hard decision.  He got all the criticism he expected from the media but don't expect him to cave. He's a man of morals and a man of hard choices.  He is honest in everything he does and says which is more than we can say about the other main candidates. Ted Cruz is the man that we need as President of the United States of America which should give us all hope for 2020.  It can't come soon enough.

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